Once we came back from New Braunfels, we found out that Ryan's job was ending earlier than expected. Ryan really wanted to work for a trainer named Jordan Laron, yet when they talked Jordan wanted to hire him but couldn't afford to. So, we phoned our amazing friend Nathan and Jean Piper. Nathan is a reining horse trainer in Aubrey (near Gainesville) and he works for Reuben Vandorp. Reuben hired Ryan to start his colts and we moved in with the Pipers. They were so generous and hospitable to let us stay in their guest room. We enjoyed time with them and we were closer to our church in Denton. We were also able to come to Houston for Thanksgiving!! This is unheard of in the reining industry because the biggest show of the year starts on Thanksgiving day. Thankfully we didn't have to be at that show until later on the next week, so we finally got to see family and have a great meal on Thanksgiving! We were able to watch the finals, and Jordan larson, the trainer Ryan had hoped to work for won the Open Finals!
Christmas came and the Piper's had company coming so out we went! We headed to New Braunfels for a 2 1/2 week Christmas break! On our way down there, Ryan received a phone call. Guess who... Jordan Larson. He offered Ryan a job! So we had no clue what all the details were, but we felt a lot better knowing that there was a job possibility for when we get back because Reuben had told us he couldn't hire us permanently, just temporary. With Ryan's Dad owning his own company we had plenty of work to do. Ryan was busy with his hands building a beautiful cedar fence. I stayed busy helping the ladies in the office. It was so much fun to spend so much time together, I will cherish those memories. On Christmas my parents and brother came over to New Braunfels. It was such a blessing to have almost everyone there. I missed Leslie, Court and the kiddos, but they were having fun in the snow in PA.
Ryan's new job started January 3rd, I believe. We tried to fin a place to rent near the ranch while in NB. Yet, in rural Texas, you can't find anything on the internet! The way to get things done up here is to know somebody who knows somebody. So, that is what we did. We called someone, who called someone, who called someone and we finally heard of a few properties. We had 2 in mind when we drove up here. We drove up on New Years Eve. The landlord said it was ready to move in. We get there and there is no electricity or water!! And neither would be turned on until Monday. So we phone another friend, the Broadhurst's, asking if we could stay with them for the weekend.
Monday morning, Twanna Broadhurst, told me that I should probably call the city hall early to get my water turned on and boy was she right! I call and the lady said she needs a deposit before the water is turned on and that if I want it turned on that day, her husband could come turn it on after he gets off work... I thought that was weird! before we get off the phone she says, "Oh, I will only be in the office until 10AM, I only work mornings." only work mornings?!? She means, 2 hours a day! well it was 9:15, I had a 35 min drive. I book it and get to the little shack that is the city hall of Sadler, TX Population 400. Before leaving she gives me her home phone in case I need anything :)
Ryan started his job and LOVES it! He is learning so much, Jordan's training program just makes sense to him. He is really loves the people he works wirh and the horses he gets to ride. Here is a picture of Jordan's winning run!

Here is a picture of us in the Fort Worth Stockyards. From left to right, Cutter, Ryan, Amy, Molly & Stefan (who have temporarily moved to Switzerland where Stefan is from, we miss them but they will be back in November!), Taylor (Jordan's wife) and Jaime (their friend)

For a few weeks I was babysitting Jordan and Taylor's 2 year old boy, Cash. He is darling! Loves to rope his stuffed bull!
At the beginning of February, I started a new job! I am now the receptionist for Tradition Senior Living and Memory Care, a facility run by Mark's company (Ryan's dad). It is a brand new facility and as it grows my job will hopefully turn into an assistant manager position. I am very grateful to have a job because it is necessary now! Although I am bummed I won't be going to as many horse shows with Ryan, it is hopefully for only a season. So there is my update, it has been a whirlwind. God is good and in control!