I am excited to post this because God has truly exposed my heart and made His truth resonate with me. It has left me with gratitude and excitement and I know that I must proclaim it publicly. Even though a select few will read this, it is still public.
A few days ago, my husband and I decided to begin listening to a series of teachings done by Soma Communities in Seattle. It is a church body (which is what Soma means, body) that does church a little different from the Bible belt. They love Jesus, His word, and they have a zeal for people to know the gospel, the love of Jesus, and they are for the good of their city. So the first teaching was on Celebrating. They talked of getting people together in their neighborhood to celebrate, in hopes to build friendships with them and get to know them. Now this post actually doesn't have much to do with the podcast, except there was one small line that I picked up on. They had asked a few from the body to step up and talk about how they have been celebrating. One lady got up and spoke, and she mentioned her daughter's preschool teacher. She has a good relationship with her and loves her dearly, they have had many great conversations about the Lord, and the teacher actually believes in the gospel. Yet, the lady stated that "She just doesn't Give God the Glory."
I decided to read the gospel of John again. I am yearning to know more of the character of God. Jesus is the perfect image bearer of God to us, so what better way to see God's character than through the life of Jesus. Yesterday I was in chapter 3 of John. The beginning talks about Nicodemus and the new birth. The second part of the chapter talks about John the Baptist. A verse that is put onto coffee mugs and t-shirts is John 3:30 "He must increase, but I must decrease." It's a wonderful verse that I have loved for years, yet yesterday it was put into context and this is when God exposed my heart.
Putting this verse into context really shows the weight of it. John the baptist was "preparing the way of the Lord." God sent him to teach of repentance and baptism. At this point in scripture, Jesus was just baptized and had gone down the river and was baptizing others. John's disciples came to him and said Jesus is baptizing and all are coming to him! It seems that they are perceiving a competition between John and Jesus. Yet, the way in which John responds exposed the wickedness in my own heart.
I am a Type A personality. I enjoy doing a good job and excelling in everything I do. I love affirmation. I love to hear that I have done a good job. Who doesn't!?!?! We all want to know that we are the best of the best. That the job that was set in front of us was done well, and people have recognized our well doing and affirm us for it. So when I read this I thought... if I were John the Baptist, I would have wanted Jesus to give me public affirmation. To say, "my son, you have prepared the way for me, good job."
Yet, John does nothing of the sort, he had absolutely no desire to be recognized for what he was doing. Instead he publicly proclaims, You yourselves bear witness that I said, I am not the Christ, but I have been sent before Him. He is like the friend of a groom who stands by him at his wedding, full of joy for the groom. He must increase, but I must decrease. John says, He who comes from above is above all, and He who believes in the Son has everlasting life. John does not cease to give God the glory!
He gives the glory where it is due, seeking no glory for himself.
I confess that I would never want to look like I want the glory, yet I know my heart and God knows my heart all the more. So I want to publicly give God the glory because it is His glory and His alone.
I give God the glory for the power and work of the gospel.
I give God the glory for the salvation He has given me through the power in His blood that was shed to wash me clean.
I give God the glory for the marriage he has blessed me with and what a blessing it has been!
I give God the glory for never going hungry and always having a roof over my head
I give God the glory for the skills and talents He has given me
I give God the glory for the job he has blessed Ryan with
I give God the glory for the work He is doing in my heart, sanctifying me and transforming me more into the image of Jesus by the power of His Holy Spirit
These are only a few, this has turned my heart to worship the Lord. He is good, He is True.
If you are like me and you have been seeking glory for yourself, come to God. He loves you, let him lavish you with His love. He is a God who forgives. Let our affections be on Christ alone