Our favorite time of day is right before the sun goes down and everything turns gold. We usually have to step outside and enjoy it :) After seeing brown, dead grass for so long, it is so sweet to see color again! Although these purple flowers are weeds, they are gorgeous!
We have a quaint little front porch with a little bench to enjoy the sunset.
Grit has no interest in the weather, he just wants lovin.
Blue tends to work hard all day so at night she quietly lays in her bed until the coyotes begin to howl. Then she is out howling at them, her job is never done.
We also have a new baby on the ranch. A cute little palomino filly. This is not the best picture of her, maybe I'll get another one.
I am super excited for these beautiful days. I know the rain is coming, but I am so glad we live out where we can really enjoy the country. I hope y'all are enjoying it too!
Your weeds are WAY prettier than my weeds :o)