Two years ago for Christmas I made a lot of bird ornaments for family and friends. I had this fun zebra felt and I thought that it just needed to be a bird. Someone may receive this as a gift someday...
These lovely stars are the beginning of my homemade Christmas ornaments. Ryan and I do not have money in our budget for things like that, therefore, I will make them myself :) I have many more of these starts that I would like to make, I am just not in the Christmas mood since it is March!
Now this one, no one must tell Michael about. It is his birthday present, and his birthday is not until August! He was quite sad that he did not receive a handmade ornament when I was giving the birds to everyone. Michael LOVES Christmas ornaments and little cute handmade things. I should have thought about giving him one, but I really feel that this half eaten gingerbread man fits him so much better! I think he is really going to like it. So don't tell him!! He loves surprises and hates it when they are spoiled.
Now this little mushroom/toadstool cottage was simply for my enjoyment :) I saw a blog with this on it and decided I needed one. Not wanted, needed. This is before I had my sewing machine, therefore, I sewed it all by hand. The embroidery takes quite awhile, but it was so worth it! It is now my pin cushion, so I get to look at it every time I sew. I have the felt cut out to make a toadstool sized one, it is short and squatty. Maybe I will get around to it one day.
Since I love to embroider, I have A LOT of needles and no place to put them. Until I found a pattern for this wonderful little needle book. I used natural cotton, some fabric I found at a local quilting store in a fat quarter, and a big button that I found in the bag of buttons I bought at an antique store. Also at this antique store I found the lace trim. I was so excited to get to make this beautiful little book for myself! I have realized that I end up sewing so much for other people that I don't keep anything I make.
On the inside I put a piece of wool felt that acts like a page where I take the needles in and out easily.
This final project is one that I am excited about! My friend, Jordan Cloyd, told me about this thing that Downy is doing. You send them your address and they send you a bag with pre cut fabric and instructions to make a quilt for a child that is in the hospital. The children that receive these quilts are usually ones that are living in the hospital with cancer or other diseases.
I have never made a quilt before, I have finished the front of it, this picture is the front halfway finished. Now I need to buy the batting and get a walking foot for my sewing machine so I can finish it. I have looked online for one, they look to be about $30. Does anyone have one I can borrow? Or maybe one you do not want anymore? I am praying for God to provide it, He gave me this sewing machine for free, so I believe He can give me a walking foot too!
Thanks for reading this :)