Tuesday, September 29, 2009

These Days

I just need to take a moment and boast in the Lord. His creation is so beautiful! And yet, I know that it in no way compares to the Glory, Beauty and Majesty of the Lord!

Lately, here in Gainesville, TX, God has given us the most beautiful days! We have had blue skies, 70-75 degree temperatures and always a flowing breeze. Every morning I just can't wait to go out and run! The horses are feeling good and running around. I decided to take a few pictures of the ranch yesterday of what I run by. I wish these pictures could do it justice, although they are not the mountains, they are still beautiful!

Ryan and I have also found that the sunsets here on the ranch just get better and better every evening. Hopefully I will remember to capture those and put them on here!

For the past month, Ryan and I have been attending The Village Church in Denton, TX. We have always enjoyed and learned a lot from the pastor, Matt Chandler, through his poscasts. Yet, now we are able to be part of this body. We have been wanting to get connected to some people there so badly. Sunday night we went to a homegroup for young married couples. It was amazing! We are reading "This Momentary Marriage" by John Piper. Our group was so full of God-centered discussion! We all shared our testimonies and I feel we really got to know each other well through that. It is so fun to see the body of Christ, how everyone is SOOO different, yet the Lord brings us together in unity for His Glory!

We are excited to connect with people outside of the horse industry here. It is a good reminder that horses are not the meaning of life, they are only a means of bringing the gospel to people who do not know the Lord.

I am finally working on some really fun crafts, they are mainly all Christmas presents, so I cannot post them on here for quite some time! Yet, I am excited to give them to everybody

Monday, September 28, 2009


I am so sorry that this has taken me so long. I have been wanting to introduce this lovely little friend of mine for some time now. I do not have the excuse of being too busy to post on here, so I am not sure what other excuse to give other than I just haven't.

This little donkey is named Ajax. He came from the vet, needing a home and Pat took him to watch over the mares and babies. Donkeys are very protective of their herds and will fight off coyotes and other predators. I know, this is very shocking, but they can be very vicious.

Ryan and I have noticed that people up here in Gainesville seem to have a fetish with donkeys, they are EVERYWHERE! And most of the donkeys are fat. We have a quite exceptional donkey, I believe he is the most cellulite enhanced of them all. Sadly, he has been lame. He has really bad feet so he has been in the stall for awhile. He misses his mares so you hear him "Hee-Hah" all day long. The best part is that the mexican guys that dont speak much English do impressions of him, and well, it's hilarious!

This next photo emphasizes his cellulite booty.

You really have to see him in person, he is quite a site. I will have more posts coming up soon.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Tulsa Reining Classic


Ryan and I just returned from our first reining horse show with Ryan's new employer, Patrice St. Onge. It was a very long week for Ryan. He would wake up at 4 AM to go ride horses and stay up at the show grounds usually until 9 at night, or later! He was one tired man when I finally got to see him this last wednesday. By the time I got there his schedule slowed down a bit.

One of my favorite parts of the show is when Andrea Fippani and Big Chex to Cash did a clinic for people to learn from. He rode a young horse and Big Chex (a well known stallion that has won A LOT) and talked with everyone to teach them. I learned a lot from him! I had been wondering about a lot of things Ryan was doing and after hearing Andrea it explained a lot to me. Here is a link to Andrea and big chex:


Also, the first one hundred kids to come got a breyer horse that looks like big chex, I thought that was a cute idea! Sadly I did not take any pictures myself. I totally forgot!

Ryan and I met a lot of people, trainers, wives of trainers, the guy that drags the arena at just about every horse show, etc. We had a blast! But we are glad to be back "home."

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

My AMAZING cappuchino maker


This is my Phenominal cappuchino maker. It is called Mukka Express, made by Bialetti in Italy. I received it as a wedding present, I believe from the Decrosta family. It looks like a simple stove top espresso maker, yet it is so much more!

The inovative part in it is the pressure valve that causes the milk to froth up to make your delicious cappuchino. All you do is take it apart, put water in the bottom portion. Then you place a piece on top of it and fill that with finely ground espresso. Then screw the top on, turn the pressure valve into place, fill it with milk and place it on the stove top. Within 5 minutes you hear the pressure valve open and the coffee begins to swirl to the top causing the milk to froth on top of it! It makes two VERY small cups, so I usually just put it all into one. It tastes like it is straight out of Italy (which I can say that because I have had cappuchinos in Italy).

One thing that Ryan and I had noticed in Italy and in Austria is that no matter where you went you could find AMAZING coffee and cappuchinos. From coffee shops, to hotels, to restaurants, even gas stations! It was not the nasty gas station coffee that you see here that was brewed 8 hours ago. It is always fresh. So this little machine has brought that same amazing cappuchino to our home. I highly recomment one to you! And if you want to make a trip up to North Texas I could even make you one!