Lately, here in Gainesville, TX, God has given us the most beautiful days! We have had blue skies, 70-75 degree temperatures and always a flowing breeze. Every morning I just can't wait to go out and run! The horses are feeling good and running around. I decided to take a few pictures of the ranch yesterday of what I run by. I wish these pictures could do it justice, although they are not the mountains, they are still beautiful!
Ryan and I have also found that the sunsets here on the ranch just get better and better every evening. Hopefully I will remember to capture those and put them on here!
For the past month, Ryan and I have been attending The Village Church in Denton, TX. We have always enjoyed and learned a lot from the pastor, Matt Chandler, through his poscasts. Yet, now we are able to be part of this body. We have been wanting to get connected to some people there so badly. Sunday night we went to a homegroup for young married couples. It was amazing! We are reading "This Momentary Marriage" by John Piper. Our group was so full of God-centered discussion! We all shared our testimonies and I feel we really got to know each other well through that. It is so fun to see the body of Christ, how everyone is SOOO different, yet the Lord brings us together in unity for His Glory!
We are excited to connect with people outside of the horse industry here. It is a good reminder that horses are not the meaning of life, they are only a means of bringing the gospel to people who do not know the Lord.
I am finally working on some really fun crafts, they are mainly all Christmas presents, so I cannot post them on here for quite some time! Yet, I am excited to give them to everybody
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