Thursday, October 29, 2009

Recent Happenings

A couple of days ago I had such an amazing and pleasant meeting with two girls. It was so unexpected on my part, yet I know, it was an ordained meeting for sure. By the way, as I am writing this, the wind is blowing at 18 mph and lets just say the trailer is rocking a little bit!! Ryan and I had a hard time sleeping last night, we were so paranoid that a tornado would throw us to China.

Anyways, I decided to go discover what the shops in Gainesville could offer. So first stop, Goodwill. Second stop, Big Lots, then on to Bealls and finally to payless shoes. I know, classy... I did not buy much at all, I just wanted to see what was there for no reason. Yet when I left payless, two girls stopped me and presented a box full of sun catchers. They said they were doing a fund raiser for an religious/leadership organization. One of the sun catchers had four people on it of different nationalities with a rainbow over top and it said "One people under God." So of course, my interest was sparked!

I asked them exactly what the organization did and then more specifically what religion it was. They said, "we're a non-denominational group, we're Christians, we believe in Jesus and stuff." So I asked more specific questions. They were with a group that has the goal of unifying all religions. Their parents joined this group and they were raised in it. I found that they didn't believe Jesus was God. It was so sweet though because God gave me scripture after scripture to share with them. He gave me a way to talk with them lovingly. The girls were right out of high school and were so sweet. We ended up talking for maybe 45 minutes! Just about God and the Bible and we were getting know one another. The crazy thing is that one is from Colorado and one from California! They travel around and try to raise money for about 2 months

Well, by the end of our conversation, we were giving each other hugs and they were saying how they wanted to start reading the Bible. I was so blessed by this. Ryan and I had just gotten back from a horse show and I was feeling quite distant from the Lord, yet by His grace He showed me that He still wanted to use me for His glory! I am so grateful that He doesn't leave us or forsake us. He is near and yearning to spend time with us and to show us His amazing power and as my friend Holly says, "mad-networking skills!"

So today, since it is going to be storming rain all day, I am beginning mine and Ryan's Christmas presents! I am making stockings for us both. We don't exactly have a mantel, but, we need stockings! So I bought some old 100% wool sweaters from goodwill. They are hideous, by the way! Ryan laughed when he saw them... I actually got him to try some on, but sadly did not get a picture. Anywho, I am felting them and will use them to make the stockings.

I will post pictures of them when I'm finished. I sure miss all our family and friends, some of y'all need to come visit!


  1. that's great Amy. so thankful He gave you that opportunity :)

    enjoyed talking with you today and thanks so much for that awesome card!!!

  2. Amy! I didn't know you had a blog! I'll enjoy keeping up with you guys. Good job on sharing the Word and Jesus with those teenagers! We miss you and Ryan.
