On Saturday, August 15 of 2009 Ryan and I packed up and moved to Gainesville, TX with almost everything we own. With the help of my mom packing and the help from the Rushing family loading the trucks and trailer, we were able to accomplish the move in less that a couple of days!
Ryan is an assistant to a reining horse trainer here. His boss's name is Patrice St. Onge (on-yay is how you say it), he is a French Canadian from Quebec. He has been in the states for 12 years and built his beautiful facility about 3 years ago. Ryan is riding approximately 9 horses a day (getting in shape fast!) and I am living the high life in our trailer :)

This is our humble abode for the next 4 to 5 months. Pat and his family are living in a duplex that we will live in once their new house is built. The plus side is for horse shows we can just take our home with us, so it is as if we never left home :)
Now for the grand tour of the trailer:

This is the Master bedroom. Well, the only bedroom... I added my own bedding and accent pillows to make it feel a bit more like home. This room is toward the front of the trailer, and yes since I am not 6 ft tall I can stand up in it!

This is the kitchen, complete with an island! It is still quite a bit small, but I have made two meals in it so far.

Here is the dining/living room. If anyone wants to come visit, the couch folds out into a bed and the dining table turns into a bed too! The recliner is our seat of choice though.

Like I said, we are living the high life. This trailer is complete with TV, surround sounds and we even catch wireless internet from the ranch office! This is more than we had in our last house.

Here is the ever so wonderful toilet. It feels a bit like a airplane bathroom. The door next to it contains a washer and dryer too.

Here is the view from our dining table. The barn in the background is someone else's ranch. Our boss sold the land to them. I run down that road :)

This is the view from our trailer of the amazing facility we get to enjoy daily. The front is where the stall are. It is so organized and clean, it makes me feel at home! The back part is the covered arena, and at either end are round pens and more stalls.

Here is one of the barn aisles, the barn is set up so that there is constant breeze going through.

This is the grooming/wash rack. Every horse has its own girth. Again, so clean and organized.

This is the tack room. Pat built his place so it was functional and efficient. Everything has its place!

Here is Ryan riding a 2 year old. This horse has a forelock that almost goes down to his nose. He is quite studish and mouthy, I have fun playing with him.

This is the broodmare/baby pasture. I think the babies are only used to cars driving by. When I run past them they get scared and run the other way, but when a car goes by they keep eating grass.

This is Pat's truck. It is an F-450 western hauler. I didn't know what that meant, then Ryan told me they are custom made for hauling horse trailers. The suspension on it is made to match the trailer or something like that.
Anywho, That will hopefully give everyone some visual of where we are and what we are doing. We just found out we will be leaving for Tulsa, OK on Saturday August 29 for a horse show. Ryan will be taking care of the horses and warming them up and I will be babysitting pat's kids some and spending time with Ryan. I am thankful that I will be able to go with Ryan to shows, it definitely makes being here so worth it.
A huge prayer request:
Ryan and I are in need of a church body. We are asking that God would guide us to the one that we can serve at with solid Biblical teaching and have sweet fellowship with other believers.
We miss you all!